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Youth Bowling

Posted on Tue, May 5, 2015

Friday May 8th 6:30pm

 THIS FRIDAY May 8—5 Pin Bowling St. Albert 6:30-9:30p.m. Meet at church 6:30pm 

 Cost: $5.00.Bowling commences at 7:00p.m. and ends at 8:00p.m. We will spend a little time at the arcade (8-8:45p.m.) so bring some extra $$ to play games. We will return to the church at 9:00p.m. for snack and wrap up. Pick up will be at the church at 9:30p.m. We have 4 lanes booked so maximum 24 people. YOU MUST BE SIGNED UP BY FRIDAY MAY 1!!! Shannon has to confirm numbers and pay the deposit for bowling 1 week in advance! Sign up early to make sure you can come!!!!!

   Discussion: Youth Bowling

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