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MAC Connection

Posted on Tue, Sep 8, 2020

Weekly Church News

MAC Connection Sept. 8

Church News  

We have moved away from a paper bulletin to onscreen announcements these will run before & after the Worship Service, on the screen where the scripture & song words are projected. Verbal announcements will still also be a part of our Service.

Ushers & Greeters - if you would like to help in this area please sign up at the Welcome Center. With COVID protocols & distanced seating these roles are important in welcoming visitors & helping people find seats.

Counters most of our tithes & offerings are coming in on Sunday mornings through the offering drop box. If you have previously been a counter or would like to learn please let Moira know.

Online giving is still an option, please contact the church office.

Church Giving – Aug. Target $16, 525  Actual $15,123  Shortfall -$1402

Fall Program Start Up

Youth - Sept. 16th  Wednesday’s 7-8:30pm at the Church

Ladies Bible Study – Wednesday Sept. 16 9:30-11am at the Church Ladies Study will meet 2 Wednesday’s /month. There is a sign up for this on the Welcome Center.

Adult Study – “Rethinking Relationships” this study explores The Sermon on the Mount in the context of loving others, priorities & attitudes. Thursday evenings at the Church start date TBA.

More info on other Groups coming soon!!

To allow for distancing measures & to limit traffic in the building only one group will meet/use the church building at the same time.

ARK Children’s Ministry – we plan on ARK Sunday School classes for ages 4yrs through grade 5 to run during the Worship Service. Tentative start date is Sunday Sept. 20th. Extra sanitizing precautions/protocols will be implemented in the A.R.K. classrooms.  Teachers are needed for this ministry please sign up at the Welcome Center.

Under the AHS guidelines we are still NOT able to open the Nursery/Toddler room.

   Discussion: MAC Connection

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