MAC Connection

Posted on Tue, Nov 3, 2020:

Weekly Church News

MAC Connection Nov. 3

Ladies Bible Study meeting tomorrow Wed Nov. 4th & Wed. Nov. 18th. Session on Nov. 18th will be the LAST session in this study series.

Nominating Committee: We have begun the process of creating a Nominating Committee, the purpose of which is to bring forth names for the Election of Elders. Information & sheets to nominate are available on Sunday mornings, or through the church office.

Church Membership – anyone interested in Membership please contact the church office.

Its Operation Christmas Child Time! – This year we will be doing things differently our Church will NOT be collecting physical shoebox gifts. Rather people are encouraged to pack boxes online.  Please click the links below for information about how to provide for shoebox gifts online.

For those who wish to pack physical shoe boxes this year, the Samaritan’s Purse link above provides information & instructions on their website about packing shoe boxes. Please note boxes CAN NOT be dropped off the church this year. We are NOT a drop off location. But there are drop off locations in Edmonton & surrounding area, such as North Pointe Community Church. A list of participating drop off locations can be found on the Samaritan’s Purse website.

 Small Group Info

“Soul Care”  7 Transformational Principles for a Healthy Soul. Mondays 7pm at the Church

 Men’s Group Tuesday Nights – 7pm @the Church

 Ladies Bible Study – Wednesdays Nov 4th & 18th  9:30-11am at the Church

Youth – Wednesday’s 7- 8:30pm at the Church-   A lot of youth are coming out to the group- Adult helpers needed please!! If you are interested in helping with youth please contact Don & Thea or the church office.

To allow for distancing measures & to limit traffic in the building only one group will meet/use the church building at the same time.

Church Giving – Oct. Target $16,525  Actual $15,467  Shortfall -$1058

YTD Target $165,250  Actual $141,370  Shortfall -$23,880

Online giving is still an option, tithes & offerings can be sent via E-transfer to 

©2024, Morinville Alliance Church