Weekly Church News
MAC Connection – Oct. 6
Fall Programs –
Men’s Group starts TONIGHT – 7pm @the Church
“Rethinking Relationships” this study explores The Sermon on the Mount in the context of loving others, priorities & attitudes. Thursdays 7pm at the Church
Youth – Wednesday’s 7- 8:30pm at the Church- Last week 25 youth came out to the group- Adult helpers needed please!! If you are interested in helping with youth please contact Don & Thea or the church office.
Ladies Bible Study – Wednesdays 9:30-11am at the Church meeting twice monthly
“Soul Care” 7 Transformational Principles for a Healthy Soul. Mondays 7pm at the Church Starting Oct. 19th
To allow for distancing measures & to limit traffic in the building only one group will meet/use the church building at the same time.
ARK Children’s Ministry – is running for ages 4 through Grade 5 ***Masks recommended for children at parents’ discretion*** Extra sanitizing precautions/protocols will be implemented in the A.R.K. classrooms when they open. Teachers are needed for this ministry please sign up at the Welcome Center. Under the AHS guidelines we are still NOT able to open the Nursery/Toddler room.
Church Giving – Sept. Target $16,525 Actual $12,278 Shortfall -$4247
YTD Target $148,725 Actual $125,904 Shortfall -$22,821
Online giving is still an option, tithes & offerings can be sent via E-transfer to morinvillealliance@shaw.ca